
2162 1364
Published in Volume 8, Issue 2 -

Das Ende der Evolution - The End of Evolution

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.2.752

The rapid disappearance of biodiversity and the influence of humans. Many scientific studies show: We have been experiencing massive species extinction worldwide for several decades. And it's man-made. The biodiversity of our planet is in danger, with far-reaching and unforeseeable consequences for nature and humans. The decline in biodiversity is just not as visible as climate change, for example. Nevertheless, it is high time to take countermeasures, in both political and private life.

2372 1341
Published in Volume 8, Issue 2 -

Der Preis des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens - The Price of scientific publishing

Jörg Friedrich

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.2.741

Scientific work is largely paid for by the state and thus with public funds - tax revenues. But to read them and use them freely, you have to pay for expensive scientific journals. Most of these journals are in turn subscribed to by universities and institutions, but they also have to pay for them, and it is difficult for people who are not members of these institutions to get direct access to the latest research results.

2475 1748
Published in Volume 8, Issue 1 -

Künstliche Intelligenz in der Krebsforschung und Biomedizin - Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Research and Biomedicine

Jona Boeddinghaus

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.1.739

Artificial Intelligence opens up huge possibilities in a variety of sectors. Imagine that doctor reports can be evaluated mechanically, complex, even unstructured data of hospital information technology can be derived in content specific information.  In regard to the AI approval and publication, an ethical approach is of utmost importance for further development. If we follow the principles of trustworthy ethical AI, then AI will make a decisive contribution to making the lives of many people better. Presentation has been held on October 22nd, 2020 at the Symposium "KI and Krebs - Erkenntnisgewinnung in der Krebsforschung durch künstliche Intelligenz" at Haus der Industrie in Vienna.  AF Institute:

2301 1411
Published in Volume 8, Issue 1 -

Artificial Intelligence and mathematical Models in Research and applied Oncology and Hematology

Roland Mertelsmann

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.1.736

Since there is an infinite number of mutations that cause cancer, and even more possible combinations than there are molecules in the universe (Califano, Science 2020), the question arises whether the conventional approach of cancer research in the laboratory ("trial-error-trial") ) is realistic to recognize the important cancer-related patterns. Artificial intelligence has already shown that it can learn to recognize patterns in complex data structures such as face recognition. This approach is already being used in the discovery of new antibiotics and should also drive the discovery of novel cancer drugs. The extent to which these findings will find their way into clinical cancer therapy remains to be seen. The next step is the validation of these theoretical findings "in vitro" on cancer cells, followed by animal experiments and clinical studies. The results so far are optimistic, but the path to the clinic will still pose a lot of challenges for science. Vortrag fand am 22.10.

2169 1473
Published in Volume 8, Issue 1 -

nonsolo Verlag: Mut zu mehr Diversität im deutschen Verlagswesen - Courage for more Diversity in the German publishing Industry

Anna Munz

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.1.730

No doubt that articles written by Italian authors are represented on the German market. On closer inspection though, it becomes apparent that the focus is mostly on the well-known, big names. This leads to an outdated image about Italy and the Italian culture. nonsolo - a publisher based in Freiburg, Germany gives young Italian authors the chance to make their work know in the German market.

2370 1713
Published in Volume 7, Issue 6 -

Auf einmal Laborratte - Suddenly a laboratory Rat

Konrad Förstner, Peter Kraker, Gerhard Lauer, Claudia Müller-Birn et al.

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.6.729

The big publishers have discovered a new business area: monitoring scientists and selling their data. This gives you a far-reaching influence on research. The European Union urgently needs to intervene. Previously published: FAZ, 02.12.2020

2922 1515
Published in Volume 7, Issue 6 -

Unter DEAlern - Amongst DEALers

Heiner Roetz

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.6.727

The major publisher Springer Nature joins hands with the Chinese censorship. The German “Alliance of Science Organizations” sees no issue and does business as usual. Der Großverlag Springer Nature macht sich mit der chinesischen Zensur gemein. Die deutsche „Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen“ sieht darin kein Problem und macht mit ihm Geschäfte.

2205 1382
Published in Volume 7, Issue 6 -

Menschenrechte, Institutionen des Staates. Die zukünftige Gesellschaftsordnung - Human Rights, Governmental Institutions, and the Future of Society.

Joachim-Friedrich Kapp

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.6.723

Joachim-Friedrich Kapp Series 3 of 3 The 18th century marks the beginning of an age of innovation that continues to this day. At first sight, conflicts of old and the emergence of new powers as well as the emergence of a new, industrialized economy seem to be defining for this era. But behind it are fundamental upheavals in art, culture, science and philosophy. This new way of thinking and feeling is what makes the emergence of the modern possible in the first place. "The founding of modernity" therefore not only offers a comprehensive overview of an underestimated century, its events and effects on all the powers of an already networked world. Rather, an entire epoch, including its outstanding minds, is brought back to life here. Quellenangabe: Joachim-Friedrich Kapp, Die Gründung der Moderne. Die Welt im 18. Jahrhundert Eine Geschichtserzählung Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag: Geschichtswissenschaft, Bd. 46 ISBN 978-3-8288-4484-1 pp.

2633 1549
Published in Volume 7, Issue 6 -

Ist Gott Schöpfer und Regierer, nur Schöpfer oder beides nicht? Was kann man überhaupt über ihn wissen? Is God Creator and Ruler, only Creator or none of both? What can one even know about him?

Joachim-Friedrich Kapp

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.6.722

Joachim-Friedrich Kapp Series 1 of 3 The 18th century marks the beginning of an age of innovation that continues to this day. At first sight, conflicts of old and the emergence of new powers as well as the emergence of a new, industrialized economy seem to be defining for this era. But behind it are fundamental upheavals in art, culture, science and philosophy. This new way of thinking and feeling is what makes the emergence of the modern possible in the first place. "The founding of modernity" therefore not only offers a comprehensive overview of an underestimated century, its events and effects on all the powers of an already networked world. Rather, an entire epoch, including its outstanding minds, is brought back to life here. Quellenangabe: Joachim-Friedrich Kapp, Die Gründung der Moderne. Die Welt im 18. Jahrhundert Eine Geschichtserzählung Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag: Geschichtswissenschaft, Bd. 46 ISBN 978-3-8288-4484-1 pp.

2224 1633
Published in Volume 7, Issue 6 -

Die Deutsche Sprache im Zeitalter der Aufklärung - The German Language in the Age of Enlightenment

Joachim-Friedrich Kapp

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.6.721

Joachim-Friedrich Kapp Series 2 of 3 The 18th century marks the beginning of an age of innovation that continues to this day. At first sight, conflicts of old and the emergence of new powers as well as the emergence of a new, industrialized economy seem to be defining for this era. But behind it are fundamental upheavals in art, culture, science and philosophy. This new way of thinking and feeling is what makes the emergence of the modern possible in the first place. "The founding of modernity" therefore not only offers a comprehensive overview of an underestimated century, its events and effects on all the powers of an already networked world. Rather, an entire epoch, including its outstanding minds, is brought back to life here. Quellenangabe: Joachim-Friedrich Kapp, Die Gründung der Moderne. Die Welt im 18. Jahrhundert Eine Geschichtserzählung Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag: Geschichtswissenschaft, Bd. 46 ISBN 978-3-8288-4484-1 pp.