
1756 1183
Published in Volume 9, Issue 3 -

Alternativlos Unter dem Hashtag #IchbinHanna wehren sich Forschende gegen das Befristen von Arbeitsstellen. Zu Recht?

Kerstin Krieglstein

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.9.3.823

Researchers during and after their doctorate are under pressure: they resist fixed-term contracts, they are uncertain about their family planning, they are afraid of career endings and express their worries thousands of times under the hashtag #IamHanna on Twitter. At the center of the criticism, once again: the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (German Act on Temporary Academic Contracts), which allows for the temporary employment of mid-level academic staff. Dieser Artikel ist erstmals in DIE ZEIT 26/2021 erschienen. Gefolgt von einer Publikation in ODW 04/2021

1855 1190
Published in Volume 9, Issue 2 -

Staatliche Steuerungsmöglichkeiten zur Förderung des Teilens von Forschungsdaten - Government control options to promote the sharing of research data

Miriam Tormin, Philipp Overkamp

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.9.2.811

The open science movement is increasingly demanding that researchers provide access to the underlying data of published research results. While the exchange of such data is already widespread, data sharing is used in many areas of research still in its infancy. In order for Germany to stay "competitive", as a research location European as well as transnationally the potential of available and interlinkable data have to be exploited. There are still only a few requirements for data sharing that go beyond non-binding recommendations. There is a lot of catching up to do. Previously published in ODW 01/2022: Heft 01/2022 Archive | Ordnung der Wissenschaft

3016 1168
Published in Volume 9, Issue 1 -

Auszüge aus dem Buch „Der Mensch Jesus und der ungläubige Christ“ Excerpt of the book: „The Man Jesus and the Unbelieving Christian “.

Joachim-Friedrich Kapp

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.9.1.802

It is an excerpt of Joachim Friedrich Kapp´s fourth book "Der Mensch Jesus und der ungläubige Christ “-The Man Jesus and the Unbelieving Christian “. He refers to the historical Jesus, who, in contrast to the divine-mythological Christ, is essentially human and thus places a different claim on the ethical basic attitude. The book is written for Christians who have a hard time with the profession of faith because they cannot support the statements there: they are called unbelieving Christians. Above all, the enlightenment man is increasingly alien to the underlying assumption of a creator God gifted with a will.

2350 1641
Published in Volume 8, Issue 5 -

To Bordeaux – With Love. A Homage in Three Languages

Gerhard Steinmann

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.5.795

For the next glass of Bordeaux, it's not far, everywhere in the world. The way to the city of Bordeaux can be very long, but it is worth it. This is a trilingual tribute to a city with which the authors have developed a very personal relationship over the decades. Especially since the turn of the millennium, we have witnessed with great enthusiasm how the city is developing into a French jewel. Not only a student city, but also a city of French high culture in all areas, history, sciences, arts and last not least French culinary. On the way to the Atlantic, a detour is worthwhile. What could be better than a day in Bordeaux! Gerhard Steinmann, International Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Freiburg i.Br., Germany with photos of Claudia Steinmann-Fölger and others

3763 1508
Published in Volume 8, Issue 5 -

Mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen - More women in Leadership Roles

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.5.791

The high proportion of women among medical students is remarkable. Nevertheless, there are still few female doctors who reach a higher position in their professional careers. At some point in their career, it seems difficult to move up further, often due to the desire to start a family. Is it possible to overcome career obstacles for talented female scientists and reduce inequalities between women and men in medicine? Prof. Dr. Monika Engelhardt, Freiburg, will talk about this topic. Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Monika Engelhardt, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg -Author: Dr. med. vet. Astrid Heinl. Previously published in: JOURNAL ONKOLOGIE 12/2020

2914 1101
Published in Volume 8, Issue 5 -

Zur Reform der staatlichen Anerkennung und der institutionellen Akkreditierung privater Hochschulen – On the Reform of State Recognition and institutional Accreditation of private higher Education Institutions

Thomas Würtenberger

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.5.788

Despite sometimes expressed detailed criticism, it is a remarkable and weighty achievement of the German Council of Science and Humanities to oblige the growing market of private universities to respect the values and guiding principles of a science-oriented university organization. It would be desirable to institutionalize a dialogue with universities aimed at optimizing their skills in research and teaching. Previously published in ODW Issue 04/2021 Professor Dr. Thomas Würtenberger is head of the Research Centre for Higher Education Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Freiburg and co-editor of the journal "Ordnung der Wissenschaft".

2057 1595
Published in Volume 8, Issue 4 -

Grundfrequenz und harmonische Oberschwingung: die Obertonreihe - musikalische Physik im fächerübergreifenden Unterricht - The Overtone Series - musical Physics in interdisciplinary Teaching

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.4.779

Interdisciplinary teaching creates a learning environment where students and teachers can have complex discussions. This thesis not only provides profound background information about musical physics in interdisciplinary teaching but also shows possibilities for didactic and methodological Implementation in physics lessons consciously linked to practical musical applications.

2218 1227
Published in Volume 8, Issue 3 -

Wiederzuweisung von Personal- und Sachmitteln aus einer Bleibezusage – VGH Baden-Württemberg, Urt. v. 20.04.2020, 9 S 1897/18 - Reallocation of personnel and material Resources

Frank Wertheimer

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.3.769

Equipping a professorship with personnel and material resources, as well as with investment funds, for example for the procurement of equipment, is fundamentally subject to a conflict of interests. While the scope of action of universities is limited by the budget allocated to them by the state, the needs of university professors are primarily based on their research and teaching concepts. Ultimately, a compromise must always be found on this. What is granted to professors to fulfill their tasks is highly individual and depends on fiscal constraints, the subject concerned, the academic reputation of the person concerned and, ultimately, the university location. Previously published in ODW Issue 01/2021 on December 14th 2020 /

2318 1376
Published in Volume 8, Issue 3 -

Früher fand sie es todlangweilig - She used to find it deadly boring

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.3.762

Due to the pandemic, many projects and trade fairs have been cancelled. The gallery was closed during the lockdown and has only opened again since the end of April. However, the gallery team saw the time as an opportunity to focus specifically on individual collectors. "Galleries rarely live from walk-in customers anyway," says Andreae. However, the demand during the time increased much more than expected: Many people were specifically looking for a change in the monotonous Corona everyday life. "One noticed very clearly that art was very important to the people, especially at this time." Many museums and galleries have therefore started to digitize their archives as an alternative and are now offering "live talks" on social networks such as Instagram.

2293 1373
Published in Volume 8, Issue 3 -

Wie Gefangene im eigenen Zimmer - It's just like being held Hostage in your own Room

Smilla Werle

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.3.759

Since students in Germany have been sent to homeschooling again and again for a year, some problems have developed. Normal lessons have been replaced by a digital device, teachers can only be seen in a small window on the screen and your own room is no longer the place to relax and withdraw. No! The constant lessons in your own room make it difficult to leave the stress of school behind after class and to separate the private from the school. Due to the contact restrictions and the lack of hobbies, students hardly leave the house and spend almost all of their time in their own room. A structured and varied daily routine is not impossible, but it is still superfluous for many students, because every look into the room reminds you of school and this causes stress over and over again.